This has got to be one of the sorriest political ads I've ever seen:
My name is Vivan Miholo and I covet your vote in the upcoming 2011 Primary. I am a Washington "outsider" and have no ulterior motive for securement of political power, etc.. I feel that the only way back to the greatness of this country is to move forward! Here are my principals (sic):
1. The Constitution must be protected at all costs. I carry a copy in my pocket.
2. Free Trade is chimera. Keep U.S. jobs in U.S.!
3. I will not make my opponents age or inexperience an issue in this campaign.
4. The Federal Reserve is obsolete and in need of serious overhauling measures.
5. There should be a Purge of certain parties and interests.
Publishers' note: Mr. Miholo paid for this ad and it has been reproduced in toto and accordance with prevailing law. This newspaper does not and will not endorse any candidate for public office.
Well I believe that Mr. Miholo should, himself, be purged.
Have I make myself clear? Thankee!
Needless to say, Mr. Miholo lost the election, as well he should have.
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