Here's another one of those tests I ran across on the world wide web---take it and record your scores!
Are you Francis Schaeffer? Take this quick test to find out!
1. When you are invited to someone's home and see a nice tea set with cups arranged on the table, you would most likely say:
A. Oh, what a nice tea set.
B. My grandmother had a set like that.
C. Give me some tea!
D. Smash the phonograph!
"C" is the correct answer. If you answered "D" you may also be Francis Schaeffer in a different "plane of being."
2. Your house is most likely:
A. Ranch style.
B. English tudor.
C. Swiss chalet with an "upper storey" and a "lower storey."
D. One with no frames whatsoever.
Once again, "C" is the proper answer. Of course, if you answered "D" you may be Mondrian.
3. Your idea of a great vacation is:
A. Hiking in the Grand Canyon.
B. Diving and snorkeling off the coast of Hawaii.
C. Going on a Mediterranean cruise with an atheist and asking him if his wife is "really there."
D. Playing golf with Billy Graham and Wayne Alderson.
Finally, "C" is the correct response. If you answered "D", you may well be R.C. Sproul.
That's all! Editor's note: there were only 3 questions because any more would constitute a "final experience".
Additional editor's note: The above may be fairly incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with the writings of the late Dr. Schaeffer, who was seriously one of the greatest Christian apologists of the 20th Century.