For what it's worth, here is the official list of the top 20 phobias reported to be suffered by Americans as listed in Zagat's Science Digest:
1. Acrophobia- Fear of Height
2. Adreiaphobia- Fear of Width
3. Claustrophobia- Fear of Closed Spaces
4. Ocarophobia- Fear of Open Spaces
5. Egrephobia- Fear of Slightly Ajar Spaces
6. Agoraphobia- Fear of the Marketplace
7. Gastragophobia- Fear of the Winn-Dixie*
8. Arachnophobia- Fear of Spiders
9. Rooseveltophobia- Fear of Fear Itself
10. Mortaphobia- Fear of Death
11. Vocabiphobia- Fear of Public Speaking
12. Mortavocabiphobia- Fear of Giving the Eulogy
13. Aerophobia- Fear of Flying
14. Aeroflotiphobia- Fear of Crashing
15. Bellaphobia- Fear of War
16. Pacephobia- Fear of Peace
17. Tolstoyiphobia- Fear of War and Peace
18. Xenophobia- Fear of Foreigners
19. Classicrockophobia- Fear of Foreigner
20. Compulsophobia- Fear of Not Completing a "Top 20" List
*-listed as Fear of the Safeway in states outside of the Southern U.S.
I realize that there may be much disagreement with this list, some of it vehement, but email your complaints to Zagats and not to me.
"I used to know a dyslexic with delusions of grandeur who went around telling everyone that he was Leon Pano."-Anon.
Once again, I must give credit to the great James Lileks for borrowed (partial) use of the vintage 1920's cartoon strip, 'High Pressure Pete and Salesman Sam' as taken from his legendary website, www.lileks.com.
I must add a recent one. Fear of cat throw up-felineyakiphobia.
Our cat, Lord Vomitalot, evokes this kind of fear in me.
Dyslexics of the world:
Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Hamlet vomit at 2 in the A.M., or to fly open the bathroom door to let him (and Puffy) out and suffer troubles we know not of?
Aye, there's the litter box.
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