Although gasoline prices have sort of stabilized a bit in the past week or so, the cost of filling one's tank is still putting a huge dent in the wallet. I agree with the view that gives credence to both consumptive conservation, both individual and corporate, as well as additional drilling for oil in and around our great country with its vast resources, much of which is of yet untapped. It's obvious that we cannot continue to rely upon the crumbs which OPEC tosses to us.
Current technological approaches to the solution through hybrid fuel vehicles, various types of hybrid fuels (sugarcane probably better than corn, etc.) and improved combustion engines which get many more miles to the gallon than is usual in most vehicles, are encouraging though. I share Reagan's optimism as to the caliber of our American brainpower (as given through God's grace of course)
Let's just hope the fuel situation does not approach levels of wartime Britian when even members of the professional class in affluent Whitehall in London were forced to find alternative means of transportation for commute to their places of employment.
1 comment:
To give credit where credit is due, the photograph of the British gentleman on the pogo stick is actually that of former MP Enoch Powell.
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